Trademark application Attorney at Miami, FL
Trademark application, Entertainment, Patent application, Corporate and incorporation ... +2 more
122 Tulane Dr SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
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Dr. Leon's practice focuses on intellectual property rights. Dr. Leon provides specialized services to institutional clients, small businesses and individuals focusing on protection of, and disputes involving, intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks and copyrights. Dr. Leon provides legal services in the registration, prosecution and litigation areas.
His experience includes general counsel and corporate work for closely held corporations and at least one consortium sponsoring research and development activities at a national laboratory. Dr. Leon's practice also includes infringement litigation before the federal courts and federal administrative agencies.
Dr. Leon has negotiated international contracts and licenses, and routinely handles registration matters for businesses interests in Latin America. Dr. Leon also has ample experience in sports law, especially in boxing-related contractual arrangements, disputes and related regulatory issues.