Elder law Attorney at Melbourne, FL
Licensed for 19 years
Elder law, Estate planning, Medicaid and medicare, Probate ... 1 more
7630 N Wickham Rd, Melbourne, FL 32940
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Alec K. Prentice (Estate & Elder Law Attorney), founder and president of Alec K. Prentice, P.A., is a graduate of Florida State University where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature. Mr Prentice received his Juris Doctor degree from Nova Southeastern College of Law in 2004, and his postdoctoral LL.
M. (Master of Laws) degree in Estate Planning and in Elder Law from Western New England University Law School in 2013. He practices predominantly in the areas of Estate Planning, Medicaid Planning, Long Term Care Planning, Asset Protection, Guardianship, Incapacity Planning, and Probate & Trust Administration.
Mr Prentice is a member of the Florida Bar (and belongs to its Elder Law Section; Real Property, Probate & Trust Law Section; and Tax Law Section). He is also a member of the American Bar Association, and the Brevard County Bar Association. Additionally, Mr Prentice belongs to the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Academy of Floridan Elder Law Attorneys, Space Coast Guardianship Association, Brevard County Estate Planning Council, Brevard Alzheimer's Association Board of Directors, Space Coast Guardianship Association Board of Directors and is the former Vice President of the Viera Lions Club.
Mr Prentice is a Florida native being born and raised in Stuart, Florida.