Wills and living wills Attorney at Stuart, FL
Licensed for 8 years
Trusts, Wills and living wills, Probate, Real estate ... 1 more
705 E 5th St, Stuart, FL 34994
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Alex Gillen is an attorney in Stuart, Florida practicing in wills, trusts, estates, real estate, business, and property insurance. Alex is a graduate of Martin County High School, the University of Florida, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Oregon. Alex holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, a Master of Science degree in Environmental Sciences and Policy, and a Juris Doctor.
Alex formerly worked for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations for the Subcommittee on Agriculture and Rural Development, the Subcommittee on Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, and the full committee staff. Alex also worked for nonprofits in Stuart, FL advocating for stopping the discharges into the St.
Lucie River, and as a litigator representing property insurance companies. Alex and his wife Frances live in Old Palm City with their two dogs and two cats.