Trademark application Attorney at Sarasota, FL
Trademark application, Business, Contracts and agreements, Copyright application ... +3 more
7951 McIntosh Rd, Sarasota, FL 34238
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I’ve spent my personal and professional life involved in the creative arts. That’s why I deeply understand the need to protect my clients’ original creative works. This might include literary works, films, music, artwork, photography, performances and more. Intellectual property law is where creativity meets business.
While your creative works need copyright protection, your business brand will need trademark protection. Trademarks are intended to protect consumers from confusion, and this gives businesses the chance to carve out their brand in the consumers mind. Investing in your brand is investing in your business.
Or perhaps you need help with the business formation piece as well. I can help you with all of that! I am excited about helping creative artists and business owners acess the value of their own intellectual property in business.