Workers compensation Attorney at Jacksonville, FL
Licensed for 10 years
Workers compensation, Personal injury, Social Security & Disability
2875 Stonemont St, Jacksonville, FL 32207
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I am a young attorney who takes my client's cases with the utmost concern. I want to do what is best for you when it comes to your legal matter. Whether that is settling your workers compensation case so that you can move forward with your life, or going to trial on an issue regarding your medication; together we will determine the best strategy for you so that the burden of your workers compensation injury is as light as possible.
I practice primarily in workers compensation, although I am willing to help any clients in any way possible and look to making lasting relationships with them. In the past I have worked on reducing medical liens, short term disability eligibility, social security hearings, power of attorney paperwork, and reviewed some Last Will and Testament documents.
If a legal matter comes up while I am handling your workers compensation case and I cannot help you personally I will refer you to someone I trust who will work with you. If you have been injured in a car accident, or some other accident, my firm handles those cases. I am in the process of learning more details about how to manage and strategize to get the maximum outcome for you, however, my senior attorney is an excellent mentor and works closely with me to guarantee our best efforts in your case.