Divorce and separation Attorney at Jacksonville, FL
Licensed for 12 years
Divorce and separation, Alimony, Child custody, Family ... +3 more
3217 Atlantic Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32207
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Andrea was born in Tacoma, Washington, and was raised in Jacksonville, Florida. Her father was a former coal miner turned Army soldier. Andrea spent nearly the first 6 years of her life moving from one Army base to another. Her family settled in Jacksonville, Florida, in 1976, shortly after her father’s retirement from the Army.
Andrea has lived here ever since. Andrea graduated from Fletcher High School in 1988, after which she attended college, all the while working, often full time, and while raising a family with her husband. Andrea worked for Citibank Universal Card Services for 13 years prior to teaching high school locally.
Andrea and her husband were married in 1994, at Neptune Baptist Church, in Neptune Beach, Florida. They have three children, two daughters, and a son. All of Andrea’s time away from the office is spent with her family. They are members of Chets Creek Church, where Andrea served in the pre-school ministry for 7 years.
In addition to spending time with her family and on her church activities, Andrea enjoys watching her children compete in cheer leading, softball, basketball, football and soccer. Most Saturdays Andrea and her husband are running around from one field to another watching their kids play sports or cheer.
Andrea also enjoys reading novels and travleing.