Criminal defense Attorney at Daytona Beach, FL
Licensed for 9 years
Criminal defense, Lawsuits and disputes, Civil rights
223 Seabreeze Blvd, Daytona Beach, FL 32118
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National Merit Scholar, Northwestern Law graduate, former felony prosecutor. I grew up in South Bend, Indiana and travelled to sunny Gainesville, Florida for undergrad, where I majored in Finance and minored in Entrepreneurship. After college, I went back home to work in the family business as a custom home builder and residential developer for four years.
In 2010, I decided to heed my calling to the law and attended the Northwestern Univeristy School of Law, where I concentrated in Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution and represented the law school in the Midwestern regional negotiations competition, placing third in the entire Midwest. I was a summer associate at two prestigious law firms, and I externed with two different judges while in law school.
After law school I accepted a position as a litigation associate at Foley & Lardner in Tampa, Florida. After two years and while expecting our second child, my wife and I decided to move closer to family and I accepted a position at the State Attorney's Office as a prosecutor. As a prosecutor I had a 90% success rate at trial, and ended my career on the State side of criminal law as a felony prosecutor.
It was at that time that I joined Delgado & Romanik, where I now spend my time defending the rights of my clients.