Estate planning Attorney at Sarasota, FL
Estate planning, Elder law, Trusts, Business ... +3 more
4470 Northgate Ct, Sarasota, FL 34234
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Attorney Chris M. Vorbeck and The Law Office of Chris M. Vorbeck, P.A. proudly serve the estate planning needs of clients throughout the state of Florida, with complete estate plan packages tailored to each client’s circumstances. Our primary office is located on Florida’s beautiful west coast of at 4470 Northgate Court, Sarasota, FL 34234.
Mr Vorbeck received his baccalaureate in Accounting from Florida State University, and received his Jurist Doctorate law degree from Stetson University College of Law and his Masters Degree in Tax law (LL.M.) from Emory University College of Law. Mr Vorbeck is an accredited attorney with the U.S. Veterans Administration (VA), a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, and the Florida Academy of Elder Law Attorneys.
Mr Vorbeck practices law with his wife, Jodi, who is also an attorney. Mr Vorbeck also active in programs for youths, volunteering as coach for several sports teams at his local YMCA. He is chairman for his church’s finance committee and sits on the board of directors for a local school charitable foundation.
As a 40 year+ Florida resident, Mr Vorbeck enjoys boating, golfing and other outdoor sporting activities with his wife, son and two daughters.