About David Fred Anderson
I have practiced law for more than 20 years now and truly enjoy helping my clients, especially in the Elder Law area because I value our elderly citizens and find they are a wonderful combination of wisdom and humor. It is a challenge to provide for their health needs, to protect their assets and counsel their family members to avoid needless litigation. I also am president of a Medicare licensed home health agency and take great pride in the level of care we provide our patients. I have been married to my wife, whom I met in Colombia, South America, for 23 years; we have 2 sons. I enjoy travel, reading, fishing, music, dining and involvement with my church. Also, I have been actively involved with the Rotary Club of Miami, having served as the club's president 2012-2013. Rotary International does so many amazing things all over the world in so many ways that it is heart-warming to help others in a world so filled with pain and suffering My approach to practicing law is simple: treat others how I want to be treated. My staff and I continually try to practice this approach and have been fairly successful at it over the years.