Estate planning Attorney at Sarasota, FL
Licensed for 29 years
Estate planning, Probate, Elder law, Guardianship ... 1 more
6751 Professional Pkwy, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34240
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Dealing first-hand with the significant health challenges and long-term care issues each of my parents faced has taught me so much. The experience of being not only the son, but the caregiver, the decision maker, the attorney, and the support system for my entire family has taught me more about the journey my clients face than any formal “book learning” could ever do.
It also taught me the paramount importance of having estate planning documents. There were countless times I needed legal authority to act for each of my parents and, without their estate planning documents, I would have been unable to make critical decisions. Many clients have shared how life altering events like the ones I went through have affected them and their loved ones.
Oftentimes, the illness comes out of nowhere, suddenly catching them off guard. There are so many things that happen in our lives that can have an impact on what might presently be in your estate plan. Beyond that, many of us have only thought about our estate plan and not about the critical elder care plan we need that can guide us through the long-term care challenges we may face.
I don’t want anyone to face uncertainty or be unprepared.