Probate Attorney at Jacksonville, FL
Licensed for 7 years
Probate, Guardianship, Estate planning, Landlord or tenant
300 Adams St W, Jacksonville, FL 32202
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I am an associate attorney at The Hinson Law Firm, P.A. I focus my legal practice in the areas of estate planning, probate, probate for personal injury and wrongful death, minor settlements, and landlord tenant law throughout all of Florida. I am born and rasied in Clarksville, Tennessee and moved to Jacksonville, Florida in 2014.
Education: Florida Coastal School of Law, J.D., cum laude, 2017; Jacksonville University, M.B.A., 2017; Martin Methodist College, B.S. in Criminal Justice with a minor in M.I.S. Administration 2013; and Martin Methodist College, B.B.A. in Business with an emphasis in Management 2013 Legal Membership and Activity: Florida Bar Association, member since 2017 Young Lawyers Division, member since 2017 Jacksonville Bar Association (JBA), member since 2017, Solo/Small Firm Section, member, Estate Planning & Tax Law Section, member, Elder Law Section, member JBA Young Lawyers Section, member since 2017, Chili Cook-Off Committee 2020 and 2022, committee member and volunteer coordinator, Board of Governors since 2020 Jacksonville Women’s Lawyers Association (JWLA), member since 2017, Judicial Reception Committee 2018-2019 and 2019-2020, Events Director 2019-2020, Holiday Project Committee 2019-2020, Steering Committee (19th Amendment Exhibit) 2020, Co-Judicial Reception Director 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, Programs Director 2022-2023 D.