Estate planning Attorney at Saint Petersburg, FL
Licensed for 15 years
Estate planning, Probate, Litigation
5858 Central Ave, Saint Petersburg, FL 33707
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Rachel Drude-Tomori is a Partner with the firm specializing in the areas of Estate Planning, Probate & Elder Law. Super Lawyers Magazine has named Rachel a 2017 and 2018 Rising Star, a distinction received by only 2.5% of attorneys in Florida. Rachel also currently serves on the Executive Committee for the St.
Petersburg Bar Association, and previously served as Chair of the Probate Section from 2017-2019, winning the coveted "Rockin' Chair" Award in 2019. She is an active member of St. Petersburg Toastmasters Club 2284 and currently serves as its Treasurer. She frequently lectures on Estate Planning at various large financial firms.
Rachel frequently assists individuals and business owners in protecting their legacies from government and creditor interference. She has developed estate plans for business owners, corporate executives, wealthy individuals and professionals and their families with a wide range of estate planning objectives.
She also develops estate plans for modest estates aiming to avoid probate and secure financial stability for loved ones. Rachel frequently assists clients facing complicated questions about how to meet the health care and financial needs of their elderly loved ones. Other practice areas include: Wills, Trusts (including Revocable Trusts and Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts), Estates, Probate Administration, Trust Administration, Taxation, Business Succession and Corporate Planning, Real Estate, Medicaid Planning, and Probate and Trust Litigation.
Rachel offers 30-minute complimentary consultations for first-time clients and makes house calls upon request. Rachel earned a Master’s Degree (LL.M.) in Estate Planning from the University of Miami School of Law Graduate Program in Estate Planning. Rachel also received her Juris Doctorate from the University of Miami, graduating Cum Laude.
She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Loyola University, where she majored in English & Writing, receiving the University’s annual award for Excellence in Writing and admission into Sigma Tau Delta (English Honor Society). During her studies at the University of Miami School of Law, Rachel was an active member of the Honor Society of Bar and Gavel, as well as the Editorial Board of the International & Comparative Law Review .
She contributed to the law school newspaper as Lifestyle Editor & Staff Writer, served as Project Leader for HOPE (Helping Others Through Pro Bono Efforts) and traveled to Leipzig, Germany to present her original paper and presentation, “U.S. Succession Law and the Case for Testamentary Freedom.” Rachel consistently made the Dean’s List and received the Book Awards for Partnership Tax and Legal Elements.
Rachel is a member of the Florida Bar Association, American Bar Association, and the Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section of the Florida Bar. She is also a member of the Pinellas County Trial Lawyers Association and the St. Petersburg Bar Association, having served on the Editorial Board and as a regular Contributing Writer for its monthly publication, The Paraclete.
Other literary accomplishments include: contributions to Thomson Reuters Westaw’s Practical Law attorney content; contributions and probate case summaries for ActionLine (Florida Bar Real Property, Probate & Trust Law Section); contributions/editing for BNA Tax Managements Portfolios ; original article “Incorporating Art & Collectibles Into Your Estate Plan,” IT.
Italian Trade Magazine , December 2010; Editorial Board for the New Orleans Literary Review . She can be reached directly at or at ext. 214.