Wills and living wills Attorney at Saint Petersburg, FL
Wills and living wills, Trusts, Probate, Real estate
927 Crescent Lake Dr N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701
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Robert Cemovich was born in Tonawanda, New York and raised in the Midwest. Upon completing his MBA at University of Chicago in 1988, Robert focused his career in commercial real estate banking, and served as an officer at Chicago’s Cole Taylor Bank and Harris Bank/Bank of Montreal. A few years later, Robert enrolled at the University of Wisconsin law school and in an international studies program.
After receiving his law degree from UW in 1993, Robert worked overseas for nearly thirteen years as an international real estate lawyer/legal advisor for Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc. and various other international consulting firms, and served as Program Director for a wholly owned subsidiary of Stewart Title Guaranty Company, covering the former Soviet Union and East Europe.
Robert ultimately relocated with his family to the United States, choosing Venice, Florida as the family home base, where he founded the Cemovich Law Firm, P.A. in 2006.