Patent application Attorney at Saint Petersburg, FL
Licensed for 38 years
Patent application, Trademark application, Copyright application, Intellectual property ... 1 more
5027 Central Ave, Saint Petersburg, FL 33710
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Sidney W. Kilgore is a U.S. Patent Attorney (USPTO Reg. No. 57,047) with a technical background in computer science. A member of the Florida Bar (Attorney No. 0558907), Mr Kilgore maintains a comprehensive intellectual property practice in the Tampa Bay area, and a limited, exclusively federal practice in the preparation, filing, and prosecution of patent applications in the Research Triangle Park area near Raleigh, North Carolina under the trade names RTPatent Law and Triangle Patent Law.
He enjoys substantial legal experience in both the public and private sectors, encompassing domestic and international commercial transactional work as well as civil and criminal trial and appellate litigation in state and federal courts, arbitration, and mediation. Mr Kilgore is available to assist individuals, entities, local governments and educational institutions in patent and copyright matters nationwide, and to provide consulting and support services to law firms in patent, trademark, and copyright infringement matters.