Social Security & Disability Attorney at Saint Petersburg, FL
Licensed for 42 years
Social Security & Disability, Military law
660 1st Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701
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685 1st Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL Steve FreemanI was born in Boston, Massachusetts and grew up in a small town outside of Boston on the Massachusetts coast called Marblehead. I moved to St. Petersburg when I was in middle school and attended a public middle school and high school in St. Petersburg.
I graduated college from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia and obtained my law degree from the University of Florida in Gainesville. I returned to St. Petersburg in 1981 and have been practicing law here ever since. I have been married since 1981 and have two children. I have practiced law with my wife here in St.
Petersburg since 1991. I have been handling social security cases for over 15 years and have actually represented over 2500 people in their claims for social security disability benefits, and would like to help you in this regard. Contact InformationSocial Security FAQsExisting Client TipsResources and LinksDirectionsHome Copyright© 2005 Freeman & Freeman, P.
A. All Rights Reserved.