Contracts and agreements Attorney at Venice, FL
Licensed for 20 years
Consumer protection, Contracts and agreements, Real estate
871 Venetia Bay Blvd, Venice, FL 34285
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Susan Budowski is an attorney in, Florida. She has been a member of the Florida Bar since May of 2004. She was added to the Roles of The Law Society of England and Wales in August 2012 as an English Solicitor. This allows her to practice law in nearly 40 countries. She has been working in Alternative Dispute Resolution since 1998.
She is also an advocate for abused and neglected children as a Guardian ad litem. Ms. Budowski previously worked at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley Virginia where she received multiple Exceptional Performance Awards from high-ranking members of the CIA including former CIA Director Robert Gates, who also served as Secretary of Defense for both President Bush and President Obama.