About William Nicholas Lazarchick Jr.
I have extensive trial experience in all phases of marital and family law.  I practice exclusively in the field of family law and idenitfy and resolve time-sharing issues regarding children, identification and valuation of assets and liabilities, alimony, child support, domestic violence, paternity, jurisdictional issues, appellate matters, post final judgment modification proceedings, Marital Settlement Agreements, and Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements. Prior to graduating law school I became authorized as a Certified Legal Intern (CLI) where I was involved in substantial trial experience with an emphasis on assisting the economically disadvantaged in the areas of marital and family law.  I received my undergraduate degree, with honors in Psychology, from the University of Florida.  After graduating from the University of Florida I accepted a position, as a Clinical Specialist, at the Kennedy Krieger Institute, a Johns Hopkins affiliate, located in Baltimore, Maryland in their Neurobehavioral Unit (NBU).  While at the NBU, I devoted my time, effort, and energies to the assessment and treatment of children with autism spectrum disorder, developmental disabilities, and intellectual disabilities having severe behavioral problems. As a member of the Palm Beach County Bar Association, I have served and continue to serve in numerous leadership positions including Co-Chairing the Bench Bar Conference  (the associations largest event hosting and educating approximatley 1,300 Judges, Lawyers, and other legal professionals).  Chairing the Judicial Relations Committee and Co-Chairing the Unified Family Law Practice Committee.  I assisted in forming and was ultimately selected to serve as the Vice President of Palm Beach County's 1st Family Law Inn of Court recognizing that the preservation and promulgation of the highest standards of excellence in professionalism, ethics, civility, and legal skills are essential to achieving justice under the Ruse of Law.